Our Values

God is good.

Many people have different ideas of what or whom God is. A mighty warrior, a judge or even a cosmic entity uninterested in his creation. However, Jesus came  do away with our limited concepts and imaginations as He revealed the character and nature of God. Jesus proclaimed to all humanity that God is a good Father! Not just ok, but perfectly good, eternally gracious and whose love is infinte. He isn't distant instead He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. God is good and, by nature, is in a good mood.

The Gospel is finished.

The gospel doesn’t begin with our strenuous religious activity as we try to climb closer towards God, but it begins with God’s total pursuit of us. The good news is that Jesus came in pursuit of you! God wants to be with us so much that Jesus took on our flesh and frailty and because of His death and resurrection we can know complete forgiveness and new life. Jesus has done it all and our part is to receive what He paid for at the cross by faith. Jesus has gifted us with total forgiveness, healing, deliverance and unbroken intimacy through His life, death and resurrection. Everything we’ll ever need was dealt with at the cross and now nothing can separate us from the love of God. 

There is more.

It is right to want more of God in revelation, in glory, in manifestation and in encounter. We believe in being continually filled with Holy Spirit and to enjoy all that Jesus paid for. We are being transformed from glory to glory and that God never withholds Himself from us or denies us access to His presence. In Jesus we have been gifted with unbroken union and intimacy with God. We are one with Him in spirit. We joyfully anticipate a greater measure of encounter as we hunger for His greatness and glory to manifest on earth as it is in heaven.

You are Significant.

You are made in God’s image; He died to restore you to relationship with Him, therefore you are significant. True humility is not thinking badly of yourself but receiving and accepting what God says about you. In Jesus you are no longer a sinner but you are a saint. You are now a new creation and have been adopted into God's family. You are filled With His Spirit and have been sealed with His promise. You  have been called by name to bear eternal fruit and approved to co-labour with God to see evil overthrown and His Kingdom and rule established on earth.

Nothing is impossible.

Nothing is impossible with God. Therefore, no person or situation is beyond His ability to bring complete restoration. We have been invited to invade the impossible by faith, to take steps of risk to see the glory and the wonders of God. Jesus promised that signs would follow believers and they would do even greater works than He did.
We haven't been called to be hidden but we've been sent and equipped to show the world how wonderful King Jesus is, to invade the darkness with the love and light of Jesus.